陳沛昀 Pei-Yun Chen
Hi, I'm Pei-Yun Chen, and I come from Tainan. I have a bachelor's degree in Entomology and Plant Pathology from NCHU. I am currently a master's student in the Department of Entomology at NTU. I am interested in the interactions between plants, insects, and plant pathogens, particularly the potential competitive relationship between insects and pathogens and the role of insect saliva in regulating this competition.
I enjoy reading various books and am passionate about painting, photography, architecture, and music. Playing musical instruments, especially the violin and piano, is a great stress reliever for me. I also like to engage in sports activities, particularly volleyball, jogging, and swimming. I love being close to nature, observing wildlife, and trying to understand them. Through my research, I hope to contribute to the fields of biology and agriculture in Taiwan.